“AYUDA’s” mission is to be of maximum service to the maximum number of the Orphaned, the Abandoned, and the Extremely Poor Children in Latin America.
Teresa Rivero Jackson more than 43 years ago founded “AYUDA.” She has a “get the job done” attitude that is driven by her sincere desire to help the Orphaned, the Abandoned, and the Extremely Poor Children throughout Latin America. “Tery” is skilled at maintaining outstanding public relations in Latin America as well as the United States from the palaces of Latin American Presidents to the White House of the United States of America.
Richard L. Jackson Jr. was there in the beginning with Teresa. He knows what to do and how to get the job done. He is the financial genius behind the scenes who keeps everything on track.
Moira Tariffa is our Vice President, joined “Ayuda” in 1998 and has been our corporation Secretary and has taken different position through the years with Ayuda all of the years she has become our right hand. Additionally, she devotes countless hours co-producing the fundraising events for “AYUDA.” Moira is truly a great asset to this organization. Also, she has, at her own personal expense, visited many Latin American countries, in person, and distributed the help to “our children.”
Alfie Martin, Artistic Director, Board of Directors, joined “AYUDA” in 2001 as our Executive Producer and “production guru” for the fundraising events that have been presented in various convention centers and hotel ballrooms throughout Southern California
Elizabeth Bress, Actress, Board of Directors, joined “AYUDA” in 2005 and has continued to be a key person in the development of our fundraising events and our Visibility Partnership Program and Logo Licencing Program.
Jeffrey VonderHaar, Board of Directors, works closely with Elizabeth Bress to accomplish the goals of our Visibility Partnership Program and Logo Licencing Program., Board of Directors, works closely with Elizabeth Bress to accomplish the goals of our Visibility Partnership Program and Logo Licencing Program.
Collectively, our team has more than 120 years of experience at attaining and surpassing their goals for “AYUDA.”
“AYUDA” originally collected toys that were shipped to Latin America and handed out to orphaned children during Christmas time. There were many small fundraising efforts and events that resulted in a few hundred dollars that were used to transport the toys and purchase needed items on the local market for the children.
From 1989 to 1999 “AYUDA” annually produced a beauty contest as a major fund-raising event. In 1994 the First Ladies of Bolivia attend the event. In 2000 and in 2001 “AYUDA” changed the format and produced a high-class Latin-American fashion show and folkloric performance event. We made about $10,000 for each event that was later used to purchase needed items for the children in orphanages in Latin America. Also, the money is used to transport donated medical supplies from the USA to “our children” in Latin America.
Visibility Partnership building is our concentration in order to expand our goals of effectively helping more children in Latin America. “AYUDA” is forming visibility Partnerships with companies who have an interest in attracting Latin American buyers to their products and services.
Latin Americans living in the United State comprise a significant purchasing force that is essential to growing profitable companies.
Visibility within the Latin American communities inside the United States is has become a requirement of success for many companies. Cementing a solid relationship between community and company is most effectively accomplished by being seen as a company that really cares about what Latin Americans really care about. Latin Americans tend to prefer to do business with whom they feel most comfortable. When a company stands out from its competitors as one who serves Latino interests, the results are greater sustained profits.
“AYUDA” offers visibility partnership opportunities to companies that donate substantially to “AYUDA’s” goals of helping orphaned children in Latin America. We offer a unique licensing opportunity package that offers use of “AYUDA’s” name, logo, point of purchase promotion, Internet presence, and platinum sponsorship visibility at a national level.
Charity and service are what “AYUDA” is all about. It is just simply old fashion fair-play to give after having received so much.
Honesty in keeping accurate books and making timely IRS filings in accordance with all laws of the United States and the state of California is our normal standard of work. “AYUDA” is a genuine Public Charity under section 501(3)(c) of the IRS Code. As such, we enjoy the benefit of offering to all contributors the highest maximum tax deductibility for contributions under current tax law.
Hope is what we offer the orphaned children in Latin America. We raise funds in the United States and delivering them at the least amount of expense to the children, who need it the most.
Fidelity to the goals of “AYUDA” has been kept alive for more than 43 years by our founders. We will never give up helping “our children.”
We do not give cash to the orphanages. We, the volunteers of “AYUDA,” at our own personal expense, personally visit each and every orphanage before determining what they need from us. We then go on the local market to purchase and then to deliver the needed items to the orphans in person. We visually verify that the aid has reached the children for whom it was intended.
Contributions to “AYUDA” are very dear to us so we do our very best to insure that all funds are used effectively without waste nor corruption.
The world abounds with organizations that say that they help children. Most of them are legitimate and do well. Unfortunately, very few of them focus on the needs of the Orphaned, the Abandoned, and the Extremely Poor Children in Latin America.
Since 1969 we have focused on the needs of the Orphaned, the Abandoned, and the Extremely Poor Children in Latin America. We have the same spirit of force to get the job done with which we started so many years ago.
We go to great lengths to effectively deliver on our promise to the “our children” in Latin America that eliminates waste, theft, and end use mismanagement.
Continue our outreach to all of the Latin American countries; working with all of their orphanages and other facilities that help “our children” that meet our standards of need and responsibility in taking care of their children and properly using our donated items.
We expect to be raising funds in the range of $1,000,000 per year of which 96% will go directly to help the Orphaned, the Abandoned, and the Extremely Poor Children in Latin America. .
Our fundraising efforts include successfully implementing our Visibility Partnership Opportunity program of licensing our name and logo to donating business.
Fundraising events will be limited to a just one main event to honor our donors and our celebrity volunteers to our cause only all expenses for it are paid in full well in advance of the event without detracting from funds intended for the children.
Over the next three years we expect to dramatically increase the countries served and the percentage of orphanages reached within each country.
This will require “AYUDA” to no longer depend upon fundraising events for the major portion of our contributions.
Our tactic will be to target companies who do or plan on doing a significant portion of their business with Latinos who live in the United States. By allowing companies to use our name and logo at a public level in association with their business and products will result in greatly increased profits for them and greatly increased contributions from these companies for
We will facilitate and help to control our costs of bringing help to the orphanages within the respective countries. We need to move in, around and out of each country with a minimum of red tape and time delays.
Risks to our plan of action consist mainly of not doing what we need to do to help the Orphaned, the Abandoned, and the Extremely Poor Children in Latin America. We must succeed at doing good for these helpless children in our own backyard of Latin America.
We are now more focused upon raising the consciousness of our American public about the situation and needs of “our children” who deserve their help.
“AYUDA’s” mission is to be of maximum service to the maximum number of the Orphaned, the Abandoned, and the Extremely Poor Children in Latin America. The rewards of maximizing our efforts in keeping with this stated mission are beyond calculation. Doing good things in this world brings peace of mind to all of those involved in the execution of this mission. We know that we have done our best to help those who really need and who truly deserve our attention and resources.
Seeking contributions is our main challenge that affects our ability to fulfill our mission.
We must develop a marketing package for companies to embrace and incorporate into their marketing strategies for 2012 and 2013. This includes licensing packages and promotion of these packages to decision makers at each company.
At least 10 companies will need to join with us in license agreements in exchange for substantial donations to AYUDA Al Niño, Inc. in 2012.